Central don’t just take care of our clients and staff, we look out for our candidates too.
New legislation due to come into force next year establishes a new legal framework with regards to unpredictable working patterns.
Further details are awaited but the right will likely be available to workers, provided they have 26 weeks’ service (although they will not need to be consecutive weeks) and either existing working patterns with uncertain hours, fixed term contracts for a period of 12 months or less or are agency workers seeking permanent roles.
Employers will have to respond to requests within a month and can only refuse the request based on a number of specific grounds, including cost or lack of sufficient work. If the request is granted, new terms must be provided within 2 weeks.
Failure to follow the correct procedure in responding to requests will entitle workers to a claim for compensation up to a maximum number of weeks, which is expected to mirror the flexible working regime and be set at 8 weeks.
The new legislation is expected to take effect in September 2024. We will keep you posted!