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Posted on 13th October, 2023

Making sustainable choices a Central part of our business

Sustainability is not just a buzz word or a box that needs to be ticked. Being sustainable has huge potential to enhance profitability, brand reputation, and business resilience.

This week, Operations Director Mark Trett, attended a workshop, hosted by the Entrepreneurs Forum, examining the importance of creating sustainable business models, looking at why it’s important to do this in the early stages and how implementing sustainable practices across the business can have a positive impact on growth, customer retention, long-term competitiveness and attracting investments.

The days speaker, Dr Alex Hope, focused on what sustainability really means, how it can influence brand identity and sustainability measures to implement across all areas of our business. The session was highly interesting and informative, including topics and discussions on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and how businesses can achieve net zero, through the use of carbon footprint tools, sustainability and material assessments.

As a business, Central are committed to supporting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) policies, promoting sustainability, and reducing our environmental footprint, aligning economic success with social and environmental responsibilities.

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